Total Phosphorus In-situ Automatic Analyzer

It can be integrated into buoys, floating platforms, water platforms, and shore station systems to provide accurate, continuous, and stable measurement data for unmanned in-situ online monitoring.


HQ-8200 adopts Chinese national standard method for in-situ monitoring of total phosphorus in surface  water. With built-in turbidity compensation function, the analyzer can be applied to high turbidity water environment. The online external working power supply is 12V, which can be directly powered by solar energy.  The monitor can be integrated into buoys, floating platforms, water platforms, and shore station systems to  provide accurate, continuous, and stable measurement data for unmanned in-situ online monitoring.

Product Features:

Equipped with a handheld display screen for more convenient debugging operations;

Equipped with depth detection function, capable of measuring a maximum depth of 100 meters;

Equipped with turbidity adaptive testing function, it can  adjust the measurement mode in real-time according to  changes in water quality;

Equipped with turbidity adaptive testing function, it can  adjust the measurement mode in real-time according to the  change of water quality;

Equipped with leakage detection function;

Equipped with temperature and humidity detection function;

Low quantification limit, can reach ppb level;

Fast heating and digestion function, shorter  measurement time;

Technical Parameter:
