固定污染源废气非甲烷总烃在线监测系统 Online Monitoring System for Non-Methane Total Hydrocarbons in Exhaust Gases from Stationary Pollution Sources


Suitable for monitoring the emission of volatile organic compounds from large-scale industrial pollution sources in industries such as petrochemical, printing, spraying, pesticide production, electronic manufacturing, automotive manufacturing, furniture manufacturing, shoe making, building materials, chemical, chemical storage and transportation, printing and dyeing.



泽铭科技挥发性有机物在线监测系统是工业挥发性有机物(VOCs)废气排放的末端监测设备,是评估企业生产达标排放的重要技术手段。 系统采用全程高温抽取法对样气进行抽取,采用气相色谱-氢火焰离子化检测器技术(GC-FID)对固定污染源挥发性有机物排放进行在线监测,可同时监测排口温度、压力、流速、含氧量、湿度等参数,产品设计完全满足《固定污染源废气非甲烷总烃连续监测系统技术要求及检测方法( H J1013-2018)》要求。

ZINGs volatile organic compounds online monitoring system is a terminal monitoring equipment for industrial volatile organic compounds (VOCs) exhaust emissions, and is an important technical means to evaluate the production and emission standards of enterprises. The system uses a full process high-temperature extraction method to extract the sample gas, and uses gas chromatography-hydrogen flame ionization detector technology (GC-FID) to online monitor the emission of volatile organic compounds from fixed pollution sources. It can simultaneously monitor parameters such as outlet temperature, pressure, flow rate, oxygen content, humidity, etc, The product design fully meets the requirements of the "Technical Requirements and Testing Methods for Continuous Monitoring System of Non methane Total Hydrocarbons in Waste Gas from Fixed Pollution Sources (H J1013-2018)".



Application field:

Suitable for monitoring the emission of volatile organic compounds from large-scale industrial pollution sources in industries such as petrochemical, printing, spraying, pesticide production, electronic manufacturing, automotive manufacturing, furniture manufacturing, shoe making, building materials, chemical, chemical storage and transportation, printing and dyeing.



● 采用EPC电子气路控制技术,可达到极佳的定性定量重复性和准确度;

● 采用差量式GC-FID分析技术,无反吹残留问题,提高了系统稳定性;

● 可集成特制射流取样装置,系统无转动部件,稳定性好,特别适合防爆现场应用;

● 系统支持动态管控技术,可应对江苏、山东等区域严格的设备监管需求;

● 系统采用模块化技术,机柜内部件均以标准19英寸机架模块设计安装,占用空间小,便于日常维护操作;

● 系统全面满足HJ1013-2018标准各项性能与功能要求。


System features:

Adopting EPC electronic pneumatic control technology can achieve excellent qualitative and quantitative repeatability and accuracy

Adopting differential GC-FID analysis technology, there is no problem of backflushing residue, improving system stability

It can integrate a specially designed jet sampling device, with no rotating parts in the system and good stability, especially suitable for explosion-proof on-site applications;

The system supports dynamic control technology and can meet the strict equipment supervision needs of regions such as Jiangsu and Shandong

The system adopts modular technology, and the internal components of the cabinet are designed and installed with standard 19 inch rack modules, which occupy small space and are convenient for daily maintenance and operation

The system fully meets the performance and functional requirements of HJ1013-2018 standard.


● 测量对象:固定污染源烟气中的甲烷、非甲烷总烃;

● 分析方法:在线式气相色谱——氢火焰离子化检测法(GC-FID);              

● 测量量程:0~200/2000mg/m3(量程可选);

● 色谱柱放置于高温箱体中,保障色谱柱的可靠性,消除其他物质的干扰。内置采样装置,精确定量取样;采样管线带有自动反吹功能,保障取样管路中无样品残留问题;

Technical parameters:技术参数:

Ø Measurement object: methane and non methane total hydrocarbons in fixed pollution source flue gas;

Ø Analysis method: online gas chromatography hydrogen flame ionization detection method (GC-FID);

Ø Measurement range: 0-200/2000mg/m3 (optional range)

Ø The chromatographic column is placed in a high-temperature box to ensure its reliability and eliminate interference from other substances. Built in sampling device for precise quantitative sampling; The sampling pipeline is equipped with automatic backflushing function to ensure that there are no residual samples in the sampling pipeline
